Monday, November 15, 2010

Architecture Never Tasted So Sweet

After 3 days of intermittent baking and is complete! Well, it may be complete. I haven't completely decided to make it snowy or not. If I do add snow, it will just be a dusting of powdered sugar but not sure how to keep it in place. This house (which I think Rainbow Brite would love to live in) will be delivered Sunday at the East Tennessee Children's Hospital Fantasy of Trees event. This is my first attempt at a from scratch gingerbread house. I love watching the documentaries about gingerbread house competitions and think the people doing the best ones must be a little neurotic. I am not quite as neurotic and so my house isn't perfect. I do think I did a passable job for my first time. I really like that it was fun, creative and helps ETCH by being auctioned off. I hope it goes for a good price.